CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – Before there was ESPN SportsCenter, in New York City there was Warner Wolf. He did the sports highlights on WCBS-TV for years. His catchphrase was “Let’s go to the videotape!” and then he’d show highlights from the Yankees or the Knicks.
Well, as for Joe Biden’s mental alertness… let’s go to the videotape!
Certainly Joe Biden’s two interviews from last October with the special counsel’s investigators were taped. What if Biden said something so outrageous that it was only to be believed if it could be heard? Certainly it’s impractical for an interview that lasted several hours to be transcribed by hand.
The media has focused too much on whether the special council’s report is a political hit-piece. The special council knew that indicted Joe Biden for mishandling the classified documents was a non-starter. So instead he threw in a political stink bomb, raising questions about Joe Biden’s mental capabilities.
This is also mere political stagecraft. Joe Biden’s opponents will claim, of course, the President demonstrates his declining mental abilities every time he opens his mouth. And the President’s loyalists will tell a completely different story. Just yesterday we heard quotes that Mr. Biden is “Constantly asking questions, pushing us to be better.” And “the President does more in one hour than most people do all day.”
The way to settle the debate is to show the American people the Biden interview. I believe there will indeed be a public consensus that the President of the United States is indeed an elderly man with a poor memory.
What happens after that is likely the end of a political career.
Chris Conley