Taxpayers are closely following Mayor Katie’s latest snake oil scheme in Wausau as she navigates her re-election bid. We are watching!
Below is an OP-ED from concerned Wausau citizen Orlando Alfonso. He is running for both the Wausau City Council and the Marathon County Board of Supervisors. Reach out to him and ask him how you can help him get elected.
The Wausau City Council votes tonight – Tuesday, February 13 to support or reject Rosenberg’s scheme.
Excellent! We now have multiple city officials and candidates questioning the Community Infrastructure Partner’s (CIP) contract. Half the problem is solved!
I most enjoyed Catherine Kronenwetter’s recent articles regarding this subject even though she misrepresents my previous letter, stating that I was the only one in Wausau who doesn’t “understand that lead should not be ingested.” Clearly, I acknowledged lead as a poison but questioned replacing lead pipes to the house and from the house (is that even necessary?) as the proper solution.
Catherine, Tom Killian and others have exhausted thousands of words, with “Dilbert” like terms, RFQ, RFP, and CBP3 to simply say, (what any simple person from Chicago knows) that the bidding sucks and it’s probably corrupt! Nevertheless, well done bringing attention to the second half of the problem and hopefully the City Council will reject this contract tonight.
My concern is the first half.
The “forward thinking” and “think outside the box” crowd that now populates the council and mayor office, (sorry Dilbert) would have you believe that questioning the lead pipe removal project is akin to questioning the covid vaccines efficacy. Oops! Did I offend anybody’s religion?
Sorry, but therein lies the problem. When solving a particular issue, most of Wausau’s politicians are smart and analytical, at least in getting from point C through Z, but somewhat gullible and unquestioning, accepting A through C.
Again, I acknowledge lead as a poison, but question the specific remedies and its cost benefits. Wausau faces many more grave threats, drugs, to name one. And the average house has 2 bathrooms, 3 or 4 faucets, with most of the linear feet of lead pipes existing inside the house, not outside. Aren’t they a problem? We all want cleaner air and water, but shouldn’t taxpayer be able to ask, what is the cost?
Who pays? There are many solutions that have yet to be explored concerning the long-term replacement of lead pipes. They should be considered.
Finally, most of the letters questioning the CIP deal have come from authors that won’t be fooled by a “for profit” solution. Their disdain for the private sector is palpable, but at least they have identified the “dog” of the dog and pony show. My concern is that they are easily fooled by the “pony,” the Marxist activists from the “Eco Fear Lobby.”
Anyone from Chicago knows that the dog and pony work in tandem!