Wisconsin Rep. John Spiros - Photo by WSAU
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) – Representative John Spiros (R-Marshfield) has announced that he will be seeking re-election for Wisconsin’s 86th Assembly District.
According to a press release, Spiros stated “Our state is at a turning point, and having strong, experienced leaders in Madison is crucial to ensuring that Wisconsin does not become the next Minnesota. This is the district I am honored to represent, and I look forward to continuing my work as a strong voice in Madison for the people of the 86th Assembly District.”
“Lowering taxes has been a top priority during my entire time in office and I am proud that Wisconsin’s tax burden is at its lowest level in history. Low taxes, strong public safety, opportunities for workers, and a strong community are key components of making Central Wisconsin a great place to raise a family and grow old,” Spiros continued.
The newly redrawn 86th Assembly District will encompass parts of Wood and Marathon counties, including Marshfield, Marathon City, Pittsville, Junction City, and Stratford.