How can anyone take Joe Biden seriously? Certainly, our nation’s enemies do not. As long as Joe Biden remains a resident of the White House, America will be in peril.
At least half the country sees that Joe Biden, aka Frozen Joe himself is imperiled.
Can’t believe your lying eyes?
Over the last several weeks, the Biden campaign has said that what you see with your own eyes is not what is happening, not at all, not even close. Biden is “young and energetic.”
Karine Jean-Pierre didn’t coin the term, but when asked, she referred to unedited videos which expose Biden’s compromised mental state as ‘cheap fakes.’ Like deep fake, but real, because they must continue to fool their supporters into believing that Biden isn’t completely gone.
The reality: Biden froze onstage for a moment as a crowd applauded, and it was again – creepy and made much weirder by Barack Obama taking Biden by the hand, giving it a little squeeze, and gently walking him offstage.
You shouldn’t believe me; simply watch the video for yourself. Bring it, “fact checkers.”
Here’s the Associated Press with a “fact check.”
It’s not a freeze, it’s a “pause!”

Source: AP
Frozen Joe had to be led off the stage by Barack Obama after accepting $28 million from the Hollywood elite at a recent Democrat party of the rich fundraiser.
X: @chrissgardner
While everyone else around him is lucid and aware of their surroundings, Frozen Joe is again on another planet.
Note to Democrat voters: This man is posing as the President of the United States! Is he really the best the Democrats can offer as the leader of America? Are you willing to participate in the further exploitation of an 81-year old man who’s obviously in serious mental decline?
X: @foxnews
What’s with the fists? Is he a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em robot?
X: @alex