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CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – Once the fawning over Kamala Harris ends, the campaign will shift back to the issues. And that will be devastating for the democrat party’s nominee.
There are tough, new questions for Kamala since she entered the race:
“For how long have you been aware of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline? Were there times when you described him as mentally sharp when you knew he wasn’t?”
“If Joe Biden isn’t mentally fit to be a candidate, what makes him fit to serve the remainder of his term? Under what circumstances would you invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Joe Biden from office? Was Joe Biden threatened that the 25th would be used against him if he didn’t drop out as a candidate?”
“There was an assassination attempt against your political opponent. Why did you not call for the Secret Service Director’s resignation?”
And that’s before we get to the current policies of the Biden Administration, all of which she supports publicly. On the morning he discontinued his campaign, Biden’s job approval was 38%. It’s not just Biden’s age; his policies are unpopular.
So… “Vice President Harris, why has inflation remained stubbornly high? Do you believe that inflation is coming down… or that prices aren’t going up as fast?”
“Were you not named Joe Biden’s border czar? Have you been successful or have you failed in that role? Will you stop or continue the practice of flying and bussing illegal immigrants around the country at taxpayer expense? Your home state, California, gives MediCal health care to illegals… would you order that federal dollars no longer be used that way? Does the Biden Administration bear any responsibility for crimes or for future terror acts committed by those who were caught-and-released into the United States?”
Remember, the Biden Administration is underwater on the two issues the voters care about the most: the economy and the border. Now every time Joe Biden looks dazed or confused in public, voters will wonder why she continues to support him for the next 6 months in office.
The last time Kamala ran for office, she didn’t get a single vote in the primaries. She ran out of money before the Iowa caucus, and only got onto the national ticket because Joe Biden promised to choose a DEI running mate. Voters will quickly conclude that she’s wrong on the issues, and is the wrong choice on Election Day.
Chris Conley