ArturVerkhovetskiy / Depositphotos.com
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – According to a WalletHub survey released this week, Wisconsin’s public school systems rank fifth out of all 50 states.
The study considered several dozen quality and safety-related indicators, including graduation rates, test scores, and student-to-teacher ratios. According to the study, Wisconsin ranked in the top five in several testing areas, including math scores, median SAT scores, and dropout rates.
“We’ve been very beneficial; education [in Wisconsin] is excellent: there’s great opportunities for kids, there’s great learning, families are wonderful, they’re involved, they care about their kids’ experiences,” said Wausau School District Interim Superintendent Cale Bushman.
The four that beat Wisconsin in the overall rankings included Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, and New Jersey while the states that ranked the lowest in the study were New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arizona, Alaska, and Louisiana.