WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — After the proposal stalled during a recent City Council meeting, Wausau Alders will hold a public discussion on a potential Lead Service Line Replacement Ordinance next month.
The meeting is scheduled for August 19th at 6:45 PM. Public comment will be part of the agenda, according to a news release from the Public Works Department. Those who wish to sign up for public comment should do so before the meeting by contacting City Hall.
There will also be presentations from the Public Works Department regarding changing rules and regulations around lead service lines. Residents will be able to attend the meeting in person or watch through the city’s public access or YouTube channels
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Alders voted to table the ordinance in early July, which has been in the works for three years, citing confusion over what enforceable action the ordinance could contain. Alders also discussed building protections into the ordinance for homeowners to keep them from absorbing costs if grant funding isn’t available in a given year.
It should be noted that the Council will not take action at the end of the meeting. Committee of the Whole meetings are used for informational purposes, allowing Alders to ask questions while ensuring everyone gets the same information from the source. Alders will be able to discuss sending actionable items to future standing committee meetings, which could then be discussed and voted on at a later date.