CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – I was on the phone with my father earlier this week. He asked me how things were going at my church, The Cross on Grand Avenue in Schofield. And I told him of all the churches I’ve ever attended, I believe that my small, storefront church is doing the most good. It’s a church for people who are recovering from addiction or have just gotten out of jail. During his time on earth, those were the types of people Jesus Christ reached out to – people who realized that their old ways simply didn’t work and are ready to try something new by turning to faith.
For the past 10 weeks I’ve been attending a church leadership class. Now my church is relatively new – it’s 8 years old. The Cross started in the living room of my pastor Yaou Yang’s home. It has since moved to rented space at the YWCA in Wausau, and now at a storefront that used to be a dog grooming business.
One of my prayers for my church is that it be eternal… something that lives on long after I am gone. And right now almost all of the running the church work is done by our pastor and one trusted assistant. More people are needed to do more of the work, especially as the church has grown in size. That’s why about 10 of us have stepped forward to do more.
What I don’t know is what I’ll be asked to do. I’m really not sure what I might be good at; that may be more apparent to others than it is to me. Right now I give people rides to and from Sunday worship, and I volunteer with The Joseph Project, which helps to find jobs for people who need them. I have good public speaking and writing skills. Through my church, I want to serve others… but I don’t really know what that will look like. Please pray for me that my role in winning souls for Jesus Christ becomes more clear over the next few weeks. I pray that what you might do in the great crusade for Christianity comes into focus in your life too.
Chris Conley